Turkey Earthquake Relief Effort

In the aftermath of the 7.8 quakes that hit Turkey and Syria, Romanian missionaries involved in the Turkish community have stepped up to be part of the humanitarian effort in the region. Familiar with the language and the culture, they will represent a bridge between nations, an opportunity to share the love of Christ through words, but especially through the much-needed relief effort.

Funds are being raised, and a humanitarian expedition will follow in the next days. Blankets, medicine, food, and clothing, are all based on the needs expressed by the Christian community in the most devastated areas.

One of the missionaries writes: "A family of Turkish Christian workers has gone to meet their Savior whom they served. Their child is now without his parents." The Christian community in the region needs us more than ever!

Your support will allow the effort to grow, enabling this humanitarian mission to have a meaningful impact in the life of many. Let's lift the people of Turkey and Syria in prayer, be a supporter of the much-needed relief fund and seize the opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ through this effort.

If you wish to support our efforts, please make a donation, using the link below. Anything helps at this time! May God richly bless you!