Ukraine Refugee Crisis Relief Update
As the war in the Ukraine intensifies, and the refugees find their way to Romania, Moldova and Poland, we have intensified our relief efforts. Our missionaries on the ground by the border with the Ukraine and in many other strategic points in Romania, are providing immediate aid such as food, clothing and shelter to many people and families fleeing the war zone. At this point there are over 500,000 refugees coming out of the Ukraine, and we expect over 7 million people to be displaced by this terrible conflict.
We are appealing to you for help in this time of need. The most pressing needs at this time are for food, for winter clothes (it is very cold in Romania), for mattresses, for diapers, for blankets, for medication and for heating. Our RMS missionaries have set up shelters for the refugees in their churches, or homes. There are a few Christian camp sites we work with, and which have set up shelters and have received many people, mostly women with young children. We are feeding and taking care of these people. Some of them are there short- term, hoping they can return to their country, others are in transit, hoping to go to other European countries, or even the US. We are helping with that also, providing legal aid.
We are doing all of these things because we want to share the love of Jesus Christ with these people in time of need. We want our work to help these refugees understand they are loved by God and that God cares for them, and sustains them even in the midst of this incredible trial. We proclaim Christ to very person we help, because we do it Christ's name!
Here is one message, from the many we receive daily, from our missionaries on the ground in Ukraine, pastor Vitalii R.:
Peace onto you! We so much need peace right now!
We are exhausted, but we are trying to make it little by little. This is the fourth day of the war. The first three days were absolutely grueling because we were not prepared for the waves of refugees who needed shelter, food. We did not have enough mattresses, pillows, blankets… but slowly we managed… Now we receive about 60-80 people every day. We feed them three times a day. The first few nights we only slept a few hours, but now it is a little easier since the schools and kindergartens opened up to receive refugees. Here in Cernauti is quiet right now. But many people are still coming.
I also want to send my wife and kids to Romania, to safety, but we cannot agree. They do not want to leave without daddy, but daddy cannot leave and doesn't want to leave. The situation is dire, but the Ukrainian people wants to be free and will not relent. Please pray for us and do not forget about us!
If you wish to support our efforts, please make a donation, using the link below. Anything helps at this time! May God richly bless you!