Kindness toward the less fortunate


Kindness toward the less fortunate


“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27

... or you can help today one of these projects aimed at helping children in need.

After-School Programs

These programs run in several locations throughout Romania and Moldova, specifically helping disadvantaged children further their education in after-school programs.

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Summer Camps

Every year, we organize summer camps for the children who participate in our After-School programs and other kids from poor families and from the foster care system.

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A Tablet for a Poor Child

We want to help underprivileged children connect to the online school programs so we are providing tablets specially configured to help these kids access their education.

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Since the “Iron Curtain” was torn down in 1989 numerous heart-wrenching stories have been published about the orphan situation in Romania. While the system has improved, and orphanages were replaced with foster families, there are still many issues that these children face on a daily basis. From lack of proper nourishment, and insufficient clothing, to the lack of parents to provide the love and care a child needs to properly develop, the needs are great and we are there to help.

For over 20 years RMS has been ministering to these disadvantaged children. It is a satisfying, yet challenging ministry! Below are a few of our orphan ministries in which you can get involved:


1. After-School Programs – These programs run in several locations throughout Romania and Moldova. Every day, children from foster care, or underprivileged families, come to our programs where they are fed, they receive help with school work, they receive clothes, and other basic necessities, but above all, these children learn about Jesus Christ, and His love for their lives. For a small donation of $50/month, you can help a child receive the love and care they so much miss.

2. Summer Camps – Every year, we organize summer camps for the children who participate in our After-School programs and other kids from poor families and from the foster care system. This is an amazing time for these kids who, some of them, have never been anywhere outside their village. They learn about Jesus and mature in their faith while having fun and feeling loved. Your donation of $200 can help send a poor child to summer camp.

3. A Tablet for a Poor Child – Since the Covid pandemic, virtually all children in Romania had to do school online, but very few have the devices needed to connect to their classes. We want to help them connect, so we are providing tablets specially configured to help these kids access their education. For a small donation of $60 you can purchase one of these tablets and help a child connect.

For more information
and a list of current opportunities,
please contact our office (e-mail
to RMS@RMSonline.org
or call at 714 658 2302)